1. Dr Siefelnasr, what made you start your career in orthodontics?
My passion to make a life-changing effect on my patients and to improve their quality of life. I do more than straighten teeth. I take care of jaw bone alignment, soft tissue profile balance, and function such as breathing, swallowing and tongue position as part of my treatment plan. A healthy beautiful smile on a child face means the world to me. It is my reward.
2. What makes your Orthodontic treatment approach different?
✅ I am an international member of the American Association of Orthodontists
✅I am a member World Federation of Orthodontists
✅ I am 30 years in Orthodontics
✅ I do more than straight teeth. I use the best approaches to treat jaw mal-alignment for kids with no surgery. Parents, please bring them to us no later than 7 years old
✅ I do PREVENTIVE and INTERCEPTIVE orthodontics (dento-facial orthopedics). This will help parents to save money and to avoid future extractions or surgery
✅ I consider dental and facial development and functions such as breathing and swallowing in tailored treatment plan
✅ I provide simple and very efficient treatment plans with less visits and less emergencies.
✅AFFORDABLE, in house no interest payments plans and 0 down option
✅ I use an up-to-date technology for diagnosis and treatment planing (3D X-rays and 3D scan)
✅We are NOT a corporate
3. Is there a particular case where the outcome was life changing that you want to tell us about?
We have several. An example was a child with self-esteem issues because he had small lower jaw and retruded chin, severely flared upper front teeth, lip biting, and incompetent lips. He was a mouth breather and was diagnosed by ADHD and was taking medications. his airway was very constricted because of the backward position of the lower jaw. He came to me in a proper timing and I treated him by advancing the lower jaw (growth modification). After only 5 months he was another person with all the issues mentioned above resolved. It is a life-changer not only for the child but for the parents as well.
4. At what age should I bring in my child for an evaluation?
According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), first orthodontic exam should be no later than 7 years old. In my office we have several patients younger than this age. they needed preventive orthodontics such as facial Asymmetry correction or habit breakers.
5. What does Orthodontics have to do with overall health?
Let’s provide some examples. children with small retruded lower jaw might develop difficulty in breathing and they will be at hight risk to develop obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Add to this, the dental and skeletal consequences. Retruded chin and small lower jaw has it’s impact on facial profile and general appearance and child might develop self-esteem issues that might affect his quality of life at all levels. I can simply treat those kids non-invasive if they came to me in a proper timing.