Don't be taken advantage of. My wife and I own No Sweat Experts. You don't have to use us, but I wanted to lay out a few things to be on the lookout for if you need an AC repair or replacement this summer.

  1. Don't fall for the super cheap tune up special. If someone offers to come out for $29, they aren't going to leave until they've made enough money to at least cover their expenses. They do this by selling you something, whether you need it or not.
  2. Several AC companies pay their technicians almost 100% commission. If they don't sell you something they don't make money. If your unit seems to be running well, you likely don't need it.
  3. Air conditioners should last at least 12 years. If your unit is newer than that and you are being told you need a replacement, get more opinions. We have seen companies tell customers that their unit is now 5 years old and is out of warranty and therefore needs to be replaced.
  4. If you are buying a new unit, you shouldn't pay more than $9-10,000 for a smaller unit and $11-12,000 for a larger unit, unless you're getting a high-end two stage or variable speed system. The most expensive 20 seer 5 ton unit with several upgrade options shouldn't be more than $16-17,000.
  5. If you were being pressured to sign on the spot for a new unit, or get the feeling you are dealing with the stereotypical used car salesman, don't do it. Quite often they apply more pressure when they are trying to sell you something you don't need or trying to take advantage of you.
  6. If your unit is running, and they tell you that you need to go ahead and replace it, they are likely wrong. The profit on a new unit is much more than on a repair. This causes some contractors to be less than honest so they can make more money.
  7. Check their license. If you Google TDLR license lookup, you can search by company name and make sure it is current.
  8. Extended warranties are typically not worth it. From a cost perspective, you usually end up underwater. Not every time though. If you are buying it for peace of mind and not because of value, then it may be worth it.
  9. Buying a more efficient unit will never pay for itself in energy savings. It can lower your electric bills, but never enough to pay for the upgrade. If you are buying more efficient system because it makes you feel good about using less energy rather than cost savings, then it may be worth it.
  10. Don't choose your HVAC contractor based on price alone. Companies can lower their prices by doing quick and sloppy work. They also may suddenly be unavailable if there is a call back or if there are problems with the work they did.
  11. Typically, the companies that advertise on TV and billboards are going to be significantly more expensive than a smaller local company. Somebody has to pay for all that advertising.
  12. If you don't understand what you were paying for or why you need something done, get another opinion. Air conditioners are complicated, but a good technician will be able to explain the issue and show you evidence of why it needs to be done.

I hope this helps. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out.


Roy with No Sweat Experts